Entiseltä Ill Niñon laulajalta Christian Machadolta uran ensimmäinen sooloalbumi ”Hollywood Y Sycamore” syksyllä

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 1.4.2020

Yhdysvaltalaisen metalliyhtye Ill Niñon laulajana tunnetuksi tullut Christian Machado on julkaisemassa uransa ensimmäisen sooloalbumin nimeltä ”Hollywood Y Sycamore” syksyllä Chesky Recordsin kautta. Christianin tuleva albumi tulee olemaan akustinen, ja mies on kertonut levystään seuraavaa:

”I’m announcing my official departure from ILL NIÑO. We’ve reached a fair settlement and I want to wish the band luck on their new journey. The music I wrote for the band will always exist in my heart and hopefully in yours.

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In other news, my acoustic album is done and definitely shines a very bright light on the future. The first single, ’Die Alone’, will be out late summer, it may be one of the best ones I’ve ever written. The album ’Hollywood Y Sycamore’ will be out late fall 2020 on Chesky Records, known for their work with Macy Gray, McCoy Tyner, Ron Carter, and more.

I want to thank those who through this ordeal have offered me guidance and given me faith. Thank you familia for having me be your comandante for over 20 years. It’s now time for this little plane to fly.”

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