Fieldy tulevaisuudestaan Kornissa: ”Olemme hieman eri tilanteissa tällä hetkellä”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 23.10.2022

Yhdysvaltalaisen metalliyhtye Kornin basisti Fieldy on ollut poissa bändin riveistä jo reilun vuoden verran ja häntä bändin mukana on tuurannut mm. Suicidal Tendenciesin riveistä tunnettu Roberto ”Ra” Diaz. Fieldy on viime aikoina julkaissut musiikkia toiseen yhtyeensä Stillwellin kanssa ja lukuisat fanit ovatkin ihmetelleet mikä mahtaa olla tilanne Kornin ja Fieldyn välillä. Nyt Fieldy on julkaissut Facebookissa uuden viestin, jossa kertoo olevansa hyvissä väleissä bändikavereidensa kanssa mutta hieman eri paikoissa tällä hetkellä. Fieldy kertoi omasta tilanteestaan ja selvensi myös samalla mitä tarkoitti ”pahoilla” tavoillaan aikaisemmassa tiedotteessaan seuraavaa:

“…Hey, I’m gonna give you an update on my life. Things are great. I’m having a blast. I’m the happiest I’ve ever been in my life, and I’m enjoying reaching out to you fans more and more. The support you’ve given me, I’ve gotta give it back to you guys. I’ve always taken my time with fans; I love you, guys. Every time I see you, I’ll do a photo with you and do pictures. Don’t even rush; I’ll do two with you. I’ve always been that way. Just show my appreciation and my love to you guys.

Giving you an update on where I’m at in my life, I still am exactly where I was my whole life, actually. Sometimes I don’t have any bad habits; sometimes I have bad habits. But to clarify, when I made the statement about my ‘bad habits,’ they weren’t drugs. It’s just… at the end of the day — I don’t condone this, but when I’m done with all my responsibilities, I have a Bud Light, or as many as I want, to tell you the truth. I’m a grown man. But I know I’ve gotta get up at five in the morning, ’cause I’m responsible and I’ve got a job to do. And I’ve got people that love me, and I’ve got people that depend on me. So I’m gonna be there for them no matter what.

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I love the guys in Korn. I’ve known ’em since seventh grade. We have no beef; I’ve got no problem with those guys. You guys should support ’em. They’re ripping right now. They just got off tour. They’re killing it.

I’m always gonna be Fieldy from Korn for the rest of my life, because that’s part of my legacy. Those are my homies; those are my brothers, man. We’re just in different places right now. We’re not even mad at each other; we’re all cool.

To clarify the habits, I’ve never tried cocaine; I’ve never tried heroin. I don’t do… All I drink is Bud Light, man. It’s clear. I mean, if Bud Light wants to give us a sponsorship, I wouldn’t be mad.

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I’ve got lots of projects. If you look on my history, you see me dressing crazy. It’s not ’cause I’m losing my mind. I’m an entertainer and I’m a musician. That’s just what I do. I’ve done it since L.A.P.D.. I’ve done it since I was a kid, man. I’ve always dressed… I’m a clown. I’ve called myself a clown. I was talking to Nikki Sixx. He’s, like, ‘I’m gonna go get ready to turn into a clown.’ I’m, like, ‘That’s me.’ [Laughs] I started laughing. I was, like, ‘Man, we’re a lot alike except for you OD’d, like, nine times and you’re still living.’ And Nikki, you’re looking good these days, homie.

Just a shoutout to him, ’cause he sent me his book. I appreciate it. I’ve got a book too. I’ve got projects. I have Fieldy’s Dreams. I’ve got a book. I’ve got ‘Bassically‘—a solo bass album. Stillwell is not new; we’ve been around for, like, 15 years. And speaking of projects, we’ve got Stillwell ‘Rock The House‘ video that just dropped today, if you wanna check it out… It’s our second single. The first one is already out. If you haven’t seen it, check it out…

Again, thank you for your support. I love you. Fieldy. Korn.”
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