Immortalin jäljelle jääneet jäsenet kommentoivat eroa Abbathista

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 3.12.2015

Immortal 2016Norjalaisen black metal -yhtye Immortalin jäljelle jääneet jäsenet Demonaz sekä Horgh ovat vihdoin virallisesti kommentoineet yhtyeen eroa vokalisti / kitaristi Abbathin kanssa. Voit lukea yhtyeen jäsenten virallisen tiedotteen aiheesta tästä:

The conflict was not about anyone leaving the band as Abbath claimed.
It was all about his personal problems. He had cancelled rehearsals and ruined the band’s progress for a very long time. We were forced to confront him about it.

Abbath recently told Australian website ( that we wanted things solely on our own timetable and that we claimed he needed rehab.

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The band had to reschedule rehearsals all the time because of him. Even then, he did not show up. He told the band, friends, and family that he needed to go to rehab again. He had got help from a clinic before. We offered to wait for him to recover this time also. Sadly he changed his decision.

Instead of trying to solve his problems, he went behind our back and secretly applied for a trademark ownership of the bands logo and name. It was hard to believe that his problems had led him to such a point.

When his attempt to get the rights was discovered by the band, he all of a sudden went solo. His accusations against the band in media changed from day to day. The fans started to question his version and wanted us to speak about what really happened. Unfortunately, we had to wait until the case was all closed, to make a statement.

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His trademark application was denied and the case closed by Patentstyret in November, 2015. One of the reasons was because he had only contributed as a co-writer of music in IMMORTAL. Nor did he contribute any lyrics or titles to the bands albums. The fact is that the music has always been a result from the band as a unit.

Immortal tulee nauhoittamaan uuden albumin vuonna 2016, joka tullaan julkaisemaan Nuclear Blast Recordsin toimesta. Yhtyeen jäsenet ovat kommentoineet tulevaisuutta seuraavasti:

“We are well prepared and looking forward to present the new material to the fans. We did not want to rush things, but take the time to deliver another high quality IMMORTAL album. More news is coming soon.

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