Immortalin tapauksesta lisää tietoa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 15.12.2014

Immortal 2014Norjalaisen black metalli -yhtye Immortalin nimestä käydään tällä hetkellä oikeudessa sotaa yhtyeen vokalistin Abbathin haluttua nimen oikeudet itselleen. Nyt Abbathin viestin Norjan oikeuteen on julkaistu Dagbladetissa, jonka mukaan mies luuli yhtyeen rumpalin Horghin sekä kitaristin Demonazin jättäneen yhtyeen koska he eivät olleet maksaneet omaa osuttaan yhtyeen treenikämpän vuokrasta. Voit lukea Abbathin vastineen oikeudelle aiheen tiimoilta tästä: 

”This summer Olve (Abbath) received amessage from Harald (Demonaz) and Reidar (Horgh) indicating that they wanted to take a longer break from [IMMORTAL] after a conflict occurred between Olve and the other two bandmembers,” writes Eikemo in his letter to the Norwegian Industrial Property Office.

”The band rents a rehearsal space where costs were being shared between the three bandmembers. Harald and Reidar did not want to pay their share of the rent since the band, in their opinion, was not active. Olve, as [IMMORTAL’s chief] songwriter, was dependent on the rehearsal [space] and was willing to cover the rental costs himself. The other two members then moved out of the premises and stopped paying their share of the rent. Olve perceived this move as them pulling out of the band.”

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[Nævdal and Horghagen’s objection to Eikemo’s application] appears to be an attempt to prevent Olve from engaging in his profession. He has spent 25 years trying to incorporate his character Abbath and his music under the trademark IMMORTAL. It seems unreasonable that the band’s ex-members can prevent him from registering the trademark IMMORTAL, especially since they are not qualified and presumably have no desire to take part in any band activities in the future.”