John Bush halukas esiintymään erikoiskeikalla muiden Anthrax-laulajien kanssa: ”Se on loistava idea ja olisi mahtava juttu faneille”

Kirjoittanut Janne Ollikainen - 14.9.2020

Thrash metal -legenda Anthraxissa vuosina 1992-2005 sekä 2009-2010 laulanut John Bush on kertonut olevansa avoin idealle, että Anthrax järjestäisi erikoiskeikan, jolla nähtäisiin kaikki yhtyeessä vaikuttaneet laulajat. Hänen mielestään kyseessä on loistava idea, ja se olisi faneille hieno juttu. Bushin mukaan hän on jo vuosia sitten pohtinut asiaa ensimmäistä kertaa. Kyseessä olisivat ennemmin satunnaiset keikat kuin monien kuukausien mittainen kiertue. Bush myös totesi, että hyväksynnän saaminen asiaan olisi erityisen tärkeää Anthraxin keulilla nykyisin vaikuttavalta Joey Belladonnalta.
Aiemmin asiaa on tiedusteltu muun muassa yhtyeen kitaristi Scott Ianilta, joka kertoi myös harkinneensa asiaa. Ian totesi, että mikäli tämä sattuisi onnistumaan, olisi kyseessä kitaristin mielestä ennemmin yksittäinen keikka kuin kiertue. Bush kertoi:

”The first time I talked to my booking agent about it was probably several years ago now. We talked about it, and I think he sniffed around for some feelers to see what people would think. And I don’t think we got the response that we really wanted to. It wasn’t like we were looking for millions of dollars or anything, but we wanted to make it worthwhile to do it, and do the proper shows. It’s not like something I wanna go out and do six months of touring with. It’d be fun to do some sporadic shows. I’d have to put a band together to do it. I’m probably a little lazy about that, quite honestly. But that’s what would be involved in doing it. And I don’t think we were pleased enough with the response that we tried to push it ahead and make it happen.

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I was, like, ’Wow. Okay.’ And I thought that’s a great idea. That would be really cool. I think that would be an amazing thing for the fanbase. But what I keep saying is that Joey Belladonna is the singer of ANTHRAX, and Joey should be the singer of ANTHRAX, as far as I’m concerned. And if this happens, it needs to have his approval, really, quite honestly. Because I wouldn’t want him to feel like, ’Well, this is not my idea, and I don’t wanna do this,’ because he is the singer who’d be sharing the stage [with the rest of us], quite honestly. So I think it would be something that Joey would have to give endorsement to, for that to happen, if that’s an idea. And again, I think it would be a fun thing to do a couple of handful of shows, sporadic stuff.”

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