Machine Headin Robb Flynn kirjoitti koskettavan tekstin 20 vuotta täyttäneestä Linkin Parkin ”Hybrid Theorysta”: ”Maailma on paljon synkempi paikka ilman Chester Benningtonia”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 27.10.2020

Yhdysvaltalaisen rockin jättiläisen Linkin Parkin debyyttialbumi ”Hybrid Theoryn” julkaisusta tuli hiljattain kuluneeksi 20 vuotta, ja voit lukea albumista klassikkoarvostelun tästä. Kyseinen albumi on toiminut innoittajana lukuisille muusikoille, ja nyt myös Machine Headin laulaja-kitaristi Robb Flynn on kirjoittanut oman muistelunsa levyyn liittyen. Kirjoituksessaan Flynn muistelee kuunnelleensa albumia läpi yhteen aikaan puolisonsa kanssa paljon, ja kertoo nähneensä bändin livenä myös varhaisina aikoina juuri albumin tultua julki, kun yhtye lämmitteli lauteita Orgylle. Flynn kertoo kirjoituksessa levyn kestäneen aikaa erittäin hyvin, ja toteaa maailman olevan paljon synkempi paikka ilman bändin laulajaa, Chester Benningtonia. Voit lukea upean tekstin kokonaisuudessaan tästä:

”Congrats to 20 years of this album. Love this album. It has stood the test of time amazingly well. And how many bands has this record influenced of the younger generation….countless.

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Saw LP open for ORGY the week it dropped, in the small downstairs club of the Maritime Hall which rarely got used. I’ll be straight, it didn’t really translate at the time, and ORGY (whose debut album ’Candyass’ I also loved) definitely were a lot better. But by that time ’One Step Closer’ was ALL OVER the radio, and let’s face it, how do you not like that song? But even at that point I still didn’t take the dive, I was vibing on INCUBUS ’Make Yourself’ for this style.

Fast forward to the next summer, and were setting up camp at Putah Creek at Lake Berryessa for 5 days of alcohol fueled birthday debauchery, and another campground is blasting this album, and both [my wife] Genevra and I were like ’man, this record is really, really good’. In fact, the entire weekend it seemed like every campground and every boat we passed by was blasting the album.

We saw them again at the Warfield or year or so later for a fan club-only show and they blew the freakin’ roof off the place. It was so heavy, and so exciting, all of the touring had really gelled them as a band. People will poo-poo this, but they were on fucking fire that night, as heavy or heavier than many of the heaviest bands I’ve toured with. Chester [Bennington] could belt it out when he wanted to, one of the best modern singers around. And they had the hooks… man… the fucking HOOKS!

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I’ve seen LP in Paris, Belarus, a few more home shows, and had the pleasure of playing several festivals with them. Chester would come over and said hello to me while I was watching from the side of the stage, and then came and watched our show. I wouldn’t say we were friends by any stretch, but they knew who I was, and would get me into the shows.

The world is a lot darker place without Chester in it. I wouldn’t pretend to know if this is a bittersweet moment for the rest of the guys or not, but it is a moment they should be very, very proud of.

I’m gonna crank me up some LINKIN PARK today and probably try and learn one of these songs for the acoustic happy hour on Friday.”

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