Metal Capitaliin saapuvalta Ill Ninolta uusi kappale ”This Is Over”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 6.5.2022

Kesäkuussa Suomeen Metal Capital Festivaliin saapuva metalliyhtye Ill Nino on julkaissut videon uudesta ”This Is Over” -kappaleestaan. Bändin laulaja Marcos Leal kertoo kappaleesta seuraavaa:

“‘This Is Over‘ conveys a message of taking control of the outside negativity that can consume your everyday life. From the darkest forms of harassment and violations of privacy from others, to the worst self doubts and anxiety within ourselves. We all fall victim to this in one way or another, but the anger and aggression you hear in these lyrics and music is my own form of therapy, my own way of taking charge and my own way of saying enough is enough, ‘This Is Over‘! I urge you to take control and face the negativity in your life, and find your own way of therapy.”

Yhtyeeseen palannut kitaristi Marc Rizzo kertoo kappaleesta seuraavaa:

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Mainos päättyy

“It is great to be back in this new version of Ill Niño! The new music and new vocals are the best I’ve ever heard since the beginning of this band, and I’m proud to be a part of it! Fans are definitely getting their concert ticket’s worth with this his new lineup!!”