Mick Mars kommentoi tulevaa toista sooloalbumiaan
Tone-Talkin haastattelussa Mötley Crüe -yhtyeestä tunnettu kitaristi Mick Mars kommenteoi tulevaa toista sooloalbumiaan. Julkaisuajankohtaa albumille Mars ei kerro. Marsin edellinen sooloalbumi ”The Other Side Of Mars” julkaistiin aiemmin tänä vuonna. Toinen sooloalbumi on ollut suunnitteilla jo pitkään.
”It has to be different. And I’ve said this before on this record that I did, The Other Side Of Mars, was my first step to where my mind is. Especially when you listen to songs like Undone and Killing Breed, and some of those kind of songs like that, I’ll always have the bangers, but those songs are more of the place where I wanna go. On this next album we’re working on now, Chris (Collier, tuottaja) and I, is a level up, it’s a step up the next level. In other words, what I try to do is to take Mick Mars fans with me. And with going with me, like when I do the album, is I get ahead of myself sometimes, but it’s like a journey. You sit down and put on the record, it takes you places. And the same with this one, but levels up.”
”I think that me being on my own really doesn’t give me any boundaries or any restrictions or stuff. I can take it to wherever I would like to have it. My album is pretty diverse. It shows different sides of how I write or how I approach music just a lot of different things.”
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Voit katsoa koko Tone-Talkin haastattelun alta. Haastattelussa myös mukana Marsin tulevan levyn tuottaja Chris Collier.