Municipal Waste jatkaa yhteistyötä Nuclear Blastin kanssa – uusi albumi ilmestyy ensi vuonna

Yhdysvaltalainen crossover-yhtye Municipal Waste on uusinut maailmanlaajuisen sopimuksensa Nuclear Blastin kanssa ja julkaisee seitsemännen täyspitkän albuminsa levy-yhtiön kautta vuonna 2022. Nuclear Blastin talliin jäämistä bändin jäsenet kommentoivat seuraavasti:
Laulaja Tony Foresta:
“When we were asked about re-signing to Nuclear Blast only 2 words came to mind…no brainer! Having such a long history with an amazing label that’s been nothing but supportive made it an easy decision on our part. Looking forward to many records and even more years with The Blast!!! And an extra special thanks to everyone in the warehouse and offices all over for agreeing to stick it out with us for the years to come. Cheers NB and the Waste!”
Kitaristi Ryan Waste:
“We couldn’t think of a more suitable place for the Waste than our radioactive family at Nuclear Blast. They’ve always given us complete creative freedom and challenged us to push it to the limit with our deranged ideas. As the music business changes with the times, we trust that our vision remains unfazed by trends and our label backs us up with full force.”
Rumpali Dave Witte:
“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it ya know? I’m so happy we extended our relationship with Nuclear Blast. They understand what we’re all about and it was a no brainer to re-sign. Their dedication to metal combined with the history the label makes NB the perfect home for us.”