My Favourite Nemesiksen uusi albumi ”Eidolon” kuunneltavissa kokonaisuudessaan
Kotimainen modernia metallia soittava My Favourite Nemesis on julkaissut tänään uuden ”Eidolon”-nimisen albuminsa yhdysvaltalaisen Seek & Strike Recordsin kautta. Yhtyeen laulaja Janne Piela kertoo albumista seuraavaa:
”We started writing Eidolon pretty much immediately after we had finished recording our debut album, Rift. We wanted to make this offering more straight-forward than our previous releases. This meant writing more traditional song structures and taking more into consideration how the songs compliment each other, and the album as a whole. Also, this time around, we decided not to work with any outside producers, as we wanted this record to sound exactly the way we envisioned it ourselves.”
”Writing the lyrics this time was a very easy process for me. I wanted the album to tell a story about rediscovering yourself after going through traumatic experiences. After deciding on that concept, the whole writing process was a breeze. I really wanted to explore topics such as depression, self-reflection, self-destructive behaviour and rebirth.”
”The name Eidolon comes from ancient Greek literature, which I’m personally very fascinated by. An eidolon is a shade or a phantom of a person and that just fit perfectly the themes of this album. The story on the album goes from someone being an empty shell of their former self and in the end becoming whole again.”Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy
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