Kuva: Pekka Keränen

Nightwishin, Children Of Bodomin sekä Finntrollin jäseniltä uusi yhtye Crownshift

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 6.12.2023

Kotimainen mm. Children Of Bodomin, Nightwishin sekä Finntrollin jäsenistä koostuva metalliyhtye Crownshift on solminut sopimuksen Nuclear Blastin kanssa. Yhtye, johon kuuluvat Tommy Tuovinen (laulu), Daniel Freyberg (kitara / taustalaulu), Jukka Koskinen (basso) sekä Heikki Saari (rummut) julkaisee ensimmäisen singlensä musiikkivideon kera 17. päivä tammikuuta. Bändi kertoo sopimuksestaan Nuclear Blastin kanssa seuraavaa:

”We’re super happy to start this new chapter in our career with Nuclear Blast. Their history, reputation and devotion as a metal label is incomparable and it is a privilege to embark on this exciting journey together.”

Nuclear Blastin suunnalta kommentoidaan yhteistyötä seuraavasti:

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”It’s a pleasure to start working with this highly talented group of musicians. We wouldn’t call it an all-star band but it’s a 5-star result of their collective experience from various bands. And sometimes it takes a while until the right musicians are coming together and find the perfect chemistry. Jukka, Heikki and Daniel already played together in the last Norther line-up until 2012. Since then, they went different ways but always crossed each other’s paths, and finally came back together as CROWNSHIFT with the addition of the amazing vocal talent of Tommy Tuovinen from Mygrain. Their music is of course rooted in the very unique style of Finnish melodic death metal, but CROWNSHIFT enrich it with their admiration for Devin Townsend, both his raging Strapping Young Lad era, as well as the epic prog side, and combine it with a timeless yet modern heaviness similar to the most impressive aspects of metalcore and bands such as Killswitch Engage. Sounds ambitious? Yes, but that’s what it’s all about: being ambitious. Welcome CROWNSHIFT!”

Crownshift 2023:
Tommy Tuovinen: Laulu
Daniel Freyberg: Kitara / Taustalaulu
Jukka Koskinen: Basso
Heikki Saari: Rummut


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