Nine Inch Nails julkaisi uuden ”God Break Down The Door” -kappaleen

Kirjoittanut Nicole Hellberg - 18.5.2018

Nine Inch Nailsin 22. kesäkuuta ilmestyvältä ”Bad Witch” -EP:ltä on kuunneltavissa ensimmäinen kappale, ”God Break Down The Door”. Tuleva EP on päätös vuonna 2016 julkaistun trilogian ensimmäiselle ”Not The Actual Events” osalle ja vuonna 2017 ilmestyneelle ”Add Violence” -EP:lle.

Laulaja Trent Reznor kuvailee EP-trilogian tarkoitusta Beats 1:n Zane Lowelle antamassaan haastattelussa:

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”Let me drop some cryptic information on you. The idea of this three EP thing was all to find truth in us figuring out who we are now and how we fit into the world. The first EP, ’Not The Actual Events’, was meant to be from a personal, angry self-destructive reflection on that question and defining how I feel in a world. It feels stranger. Part of that’s aging. Part of that’s because the world is getting weirder. Finding your place in a world that looks different every day and reacting to that in the first EP through anger and self-destruction and sitting alone setting a match to your life. The second EP, ’Add Violence’, was meant in response to the same question. But looking for answers externally. Maybe it’s because of this and there’s comfort in that. Maybe there’s a reason things feel kind of crazy, and it’s not that I’m insane that I’m in a situation that’s insane. There was the third EP which has grown into an LP [’Bad Witch’]. The entire system has a much more bleak and pessimistic outlook, and I don’t want to say too much because it gives away kind of the what the thing is. But it wasn’t necessarily what we thought it was going to be when we started. I thought it was going to go more science fiction.”

Nine Inch Nails tähtää uuden EP:n myötä ”Cold And Black And Infinite” -kiertueelle syyskuussa Pohjois-Amerikkaan.

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