Nocturnal Breed menetti kitaristin

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 15.12.2010

Norjalainen thrash metal -yhtye Nocturnal Breed on menettänyt kitaristi Stian Andreassenin. Andreassen jätti yhtyeen inspiraation puutteen johdosta ja päätti lähteä kahdentoista vuoden jälkeen. Lue lisää nähdäksesi virallisen viestin aiheesta.

Axeman Ben Hellion (real name: Stian Andreassen) has decided that 12 years as a member of NOCTURNAL BREED is enough.

After the band recently met up for the first time in almost four years, he decided to call it quits because of ’lack of inspiration and feeling,’ but stresses that he is proud of having been a part of NOCTURNAL BREED for so many years. He wishes the remaining ’Breedsters’ the best of luck in the future, and hopes to experience NOCTURNAL BREED live again, now as an audience member.

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