Papa Roachin Jacoby Shaddix: ”Meillä on noin 13-14 valmista kappaletta uutta albumia varten”

Kirjoittanut Nicole Hellberg - 10.8.2018

Yhdysvaltalaisen rock-yhtye Papa Roachin nokkamies Jacoby Shaddix antoi hiljattain haastattelun Lazer 103.3 -radiokanavalle koskien uutta, tulevaa ”Bold” -nimistä studioalbumia. Edellisen ”Crooked Teeth” -albumin julkaisusta on vierähtänyt vasta vuosi, mutta koska yhteiskiertue Of Mice & Menin kanssa taannoin peruuntui, päätti Papa Roach palata takaisin studiolle. Shaddix kertoikin haastattelussa uusia kappaleita olevan valmiina jo noin 13-14:

”Right when we got done with ’Crooked Teeth’, writing and recording that record, we were supposed to go out on tour with Of Mice & Men, but Austin [Carlile], the singer [of Of Mice & Men], was really sick at the time. And so instead of going out on tour, we were, like, ’Let’s just go back in the studio and start writing.’ So we started our first sessions for this album we’re working on early last year, and then we went and toured on ’Crooked Teeth’, and then we came back and jumped in the studio June and July of this year with all fresh ideas. We have, like, 13 or 14 songs written and recorded, and we feel we have a lot of really great material. I think ’Crooked Teeth’ was kind of, like, ’Here’s the reintroduction of who P. Roach is,’ and with this new album that we’re working on and writing, it really feels like we’re making a pretty bold evolution of the band again. And it’s a little frightening in a sense at times — like, ’Oh, man. Are people gonna get it?’ But then we still have the core sound of the band on the record as well. There’s a few songs that we’re challenging our fans, like, ’Hey, are you gonna come down this road with us?’ And the material we’re writing we just feel is just great — it’s so inspiring and just unique and different and rocking and anthemic and passionate. It’s, like, undeniable. I feel like when we wrote the album ’Getting Away With Murder’ [2004], it was a pretty bold evolution for the band, especially with a song like ’Scars’ at the time for our band. Now when you think of ’Scars’ and Papa Roach, that’s like the norm; that’s who we are. So I’d say the evolution is comparable to that.”

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