Psykedeellistä rockia soittavalta Earthlessilta uusi kappale ”Black Heaven”

Yhdysvaltalainen psykedeellistä rockia soittava Earthless on julkaissut uuden ”Black Heaven” -kappaleen maaliskuun 16. päivä Nuclear Blastin kautta ilmestyvältä samannimiseltä albumiltaan. Yhtyeen rumpali Mario Rubalcaba maalailee uutta kappaletta seuraavasti:
“A whirlwind ride through dark clouds and muddy waters, hi-energy sludge that rolls and heavy riffage that rock. Psychedelic sprinkles all over the place make me wanna turn this sucker up loud as hell only to howl at the heavens.”
Basisti Mike Eginton kertoo kappaleen syntyprosessista:
“The main riff for ”Black Heaven” came about during a soundcheck in Australia in 2015. I think we sort of played that riff a little bit several times on that tour while we were setting up. Other parts came in over the following years, but it wasn’t ever worked on very seriously until we started working on ”Black Heaven”. Then it came together pretty quickly when we started jamming it out.”
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