Yhdysvaltalaisen thrash metal -yhtye Slayerin kitaristi Gary Holt on päivittänyt sosiaaliseen mediaan tunteellisia muistoja isästään, joka menehtyi viikko sitten. Mies jättäytyi pois joulukuun alussa bändin jäähyväiskiertueelta, joka oli parhaillaan Euroopassa. Holt ilmoitti jo silloin palaavansa kuolevan isänsä luokse, jotta saa olla hänen kanssaan viimeisinä hetkinä. Holtia tuurasi entinen Machine Head -kitaristi Phil Demmel.
Viikko sitten Holt kertoi Instagramissaan isänsä kuolemasta ja julkaisi merkityksellisiä muistoja.
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Today I lost my hero, the greatest man I’ve ever known or will know. Billie Charles Holt passed away this evening, with my mom and all his kids present, knowing he was loved and respected more than anyone. This man was a god among men, he taught me everything I ever needed to know about being a MAN. Lessons that took a long time for me to realize the truth behind them all.He built the family home by hand and paved the sidewalk of my street when it was just dirt. True greatness.I fed him his last meal, he wanted to rest, and passed in his sleep later.I love you dad. I’m broken. What feels like beyond repair at this moment. But he’s no longer in pain. Thank you to all who ever sent me positive vibes and whoever wished me well during this trying time. Thank you @demmelitionmh for aiding me to get home to enjoy what was one of his last “good” days he had, that and the day he had with my daughters. Thank you to my band mates in both bands who had my back in every way. Thanks to my brothers and my sister and entire family for bringing strength in this family unit.This is shattering. I feel empty and lost. @lisaholt777 thank you for keeping me from imploding. Super thanks to my niece Ashley , you were the single greatest gift to your grandfathers care and comfort.Dad, I’ll try to live up to your standards in every way. July 6,1933-December 17,2018. Love you forever.This hurts so much
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A post shared by Gary Holt (@garyholt_official) on Dec 17, 2018 at 11:37pm PST
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My father, mother, brother John and I after our show in 89 in Oakland on the headbangers ball tour. My dad was fucking proud of me, loved watching me from afar and a couple of time in person. I miss him so much, waves of grief hit at random times. I’m struggling. But I know I need to remember that he lived full and free and loved big. And he was suffering in the end, but I’m happy he didn’t suffer long. What a man he was. What a life he lived, from very poor beginnings to raising six children, four of which he married into and raise as his own. I don’t even remember how old I was when I may have finally asked why we had different last names. A giant of a man. So much was I taught, so many pearls of wisdom were given freely to me. I am crushed. I will survive this. I will make sure my mom never wants for anything. Family first. But when the head of that family is gone, we become rudderless for a time. THANK YOU for all the kind words , I truly am amazed and touched. You are my friends, no matter if we have ever met or not. I know they say life goes on, I’ve got to get through these next few days, and whatever lies beyond for me. Thank you all #billiecharlesholt
A post shared by Gary Holt (@garyholt_official) on Dec 20, 2018 at 6:37pm PST
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