Suomessakin hetken aikaa asuneella W.A.S.P.:n entisellä kitaristilla Chris Holmesilla todettu syöpä kurkussa sekä niskassa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 5.2.2022

Yhdysvaltalaisessa heavy metal -legenda W.A.S.P.:ssa vuosien 1982–1990 sekä 1995–2001 välisen ajan vaikuttaneella kitaristilla Chris Holmesilla on todettu syöpä kurkussa ja niskassa. Holmesin oli määrä esiintyä soolouransa tiimoilta Monsters Of Rock -risteilyllä mutta risteilyn esiintyminen peruuntui syöpään liittyvien hoitojen seurauksena. Holmes on itse julkaissut aiheesta Facebookissa kirjoituksen ja voit lukea sen tästä:

”This post is not easy to write because of the personal nature of it and we would rather you hear it directly from us before stories and rumours start to circulate and by respect for all of you who love and support Chris , we feel that this is exactly what we need at this time. Recently Chris was diagnosed with a cancer in throat and neck but the medical team have assured us there has been no metastasis and this is a good news . He will have to start as soon as possible a treatment of 7 weeks.

”I know how important the Monsters of Rock Cruise is for Chris and the band but the health of Chris is what we have to focus on right now for the next 7 weeks and we will reschedule the MORC for a future date. Thank You very much Larry Morand for your kindness & understanding in this matter, you are much appreciated and the world need more people as you . Thank you also to all the team who make a wonderful work following every band in each step.

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”The bandcamp will still continue to run during this time but if there might be some delays please forgive me.

”The best way to keep Chris positive is to continue to focus on the upcoming Canadian tour, shows we have in September and the UK tour in October. Don’t forget Chris is strong and he is a fighter and he will come back stronger than before.

”Many of you in your own way shows us everyday how much you care,we are lucky to have you as friends, your strength keeps our spirits high to continue to fight another day.

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”Please we just ask for some privacy while we deal with this at this moment and Chris will come back to you stronger and ready to burn the stage with Stephen, Ollie, Lex and Florian.

”Keep rocking, Chris and Catherine Sarah Holmes”.

Vuonna 2014 Chris Holmes ja hänen vaimonsa Catherine Sarah Holmes asuivat muutamien kuukausien ajan Porvoossa. Tuona aikana Chris Holmes esiintyi suomalaiskaupungeissa klubikeikoilla Baton Rogue Morguen kanssa ja vieraili myös Domination Blackin singlellä ja musiikkivideolla ”Master of Deception”.

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