Tau Cross

Punkin ja metallin superkokoonpano Tau Cross julkaisee uuden albumin kesällä

Kirjoittanut Teemu Hakala - 4.1.2017
Tau Cross
Tau Cross

Kansainvälinen punkin ja metallin superkokoonpano Tau Cross aikoo julkaista seuraavan studioalbuminsa ”A Pillar Of Fire”. Yhtyeen vuoden 2015 debyyttialbumin tapaan uusi levy on nauhoitettu useassa eri paikassa; rummut Montrealissa, kitarat ja bassot Minneapoliksessa ja Seattlessa sekä laulut Skotlannin Isle Of Skyella. Bändi koostuu mm. Amebix, Voivod, Misery sekä War//Plague jäsenistä. Yhtyeen vokalisti Rob “The Baron” Millerin kuvailee albumia näin:

“This approach can be challenging given the location of the band members, but it is a necessity that we have tried to turn into a strength. Video conferencing and messenger services have been helpful in guiding the process to completion.

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The album was mixed at Smiddy studios on the isle of Skye by James Adams who has also taken on duties as our keyboard player. We have had contributions from Themis for some of the ambient sounds on the album, a Hurdy Gurdy from Tanner Anderson and even bagpipes from 16-year-old Scottish virtuoso Brighde Chaimbeul, so there are some interesting textures, with an emphasis on the lyrical content. As usual, we have constructed a few intriguing landscapes for the listener to engage with.”