Tetrarch sopimukseen Napalm Recordsin kanssa
Atlantalainen Tetrarch on tehnyt levytyssopimuksen Napalm Recordsin kanssa. Yhtye nauhoitti aiemmin tänä vuonna uransa toisen studioalbumin ”Unstable”, jonka se julkaisee yhtiön kautta. Kitaristi Diamond Rowe kommentoi uutta sopimusta:
”None of us in Tetrarch have ever been shy about the goals that we have for this band. Therefore, it is no secret that since the beginning we have always made our goal to become one of the biggest modern metal bands of this generation. We are extremely excited to have found a partner for this journey with Napalm Records, and it is very apparent that they believe in us to the same degree. They are ready and willing to work with us however necessary to take Tetrarch to the top. We look forward to continuing this ride with them.”
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Napalm Recordsin Thomas Caser lisää:
”Welcome Tetrarch – undoubtedly the hottest newcomer and soon to be a household name in the Metal world! They are fresh and exciting, and we are proud and thrilled to work this amazing band!”