The Night Flight Orchestra kiinnitetty Nuclear Blastille: uusi levy ilmestyy ensi vuonna
Klassista rockia soittava mm. Soilwork-jäsenistä koostuva superkokoonpano The Night Flight Orchestra on kiinnitetty Nuclear Blast Entertainmentille. Levy-yhtiö julkaisee yhtyeen ensi vuona julkaistavan toistaiseksi nimettömän kolmannen albumin, joka äänitetään Handsome Hard Studiossa Lundissa Ruotsissa. Näytteitä uudesta materiaalista voi kuunnella Metalsucks-sivustolla. Yhtye kertoo tuoreesta sopimuksestaan seuraavaa:
”We have been offered an opportunity; our good friends at Nuclear Blast, the German label famous for spreading the heavy metal gospel, asked us to become a part of their roster. We said yes.”
”We, THE NIGHT FLIGHT ORCHESTRA, will continue to push the boundaries of classic rock; we will continue with the unnecessarily catchy choruses, the abundant amount of solos, the atmospherics that few people will understand but us, and the female voices that seem to stem from your unconscious.”
Nuclear Blastin toimitusjohtaja Markus Staiger kommentoi:
”Classic rock is timeless and brilliantly-executed music. Music which is the foundation of so many other forms of guitar-driven music. With THE NIGHT FLIGHT ORCHESTRA, we’ve found one of the most intense groups in the genre and it’s even greater to have our old friend Björn with us. He once again proves to be one of the biggest voices – be it singing extreme metal or classic rock! We’re beyond stoked!”
Nuclear Blast kertoo myös muutoksista The Night Flight Orchestran manageroinnissa:
”THE NIGHT FLIGHT ORCHESTRA are also pleased to announce their new management representation, Breaking Bands LLC, the management team comprised of Adrenaline PR CEO Maria Ferrero, TESTAMENT vocalist and co-manager Chuck Billy, and former MegaForce Records and Crazed Management owners Jon and Marsha Zazula. The Breaking Bands team, also responsible for SOILWORK’s representation, endeavours to bring renewed attention and heightened opportunity to THE NIGHT FLIGHT ORCHESTRA.”
Maria Ferrero kuvailee yhtyeen musiikkia seuraavasti:
”THE NIGHT FLIGHT ORCHESTRA’s music has a true retro feel, harks back the days of yore… classic arena rock, where’s my Aquanet? NFO inspires me to take the top down and drive – this is real music for ALL AGES,”
Jon Zazula lisää:
”I like the way they play with a song and take you on a journey of unexpected craftsmanship… I’m really into them. We’re very proud to be working with THE NIGHT FLIGHT ORCHESTRA.”
Metallimusiikkiin keskittyviltä yhtiöiltä saamastaan huomiosta huolimatta yhtye kertoo pysyttelevänsä rockin puolella metallin sijaan:
”But, occasionally, some of us have flirted with that genre.”
”We are not ashamed of that fact, and will never make any futile attempts to deny it. In fact, the metal genre once stood for all that we appreciate when it comes to music. Defying authorities. Breaking the rules. Doing whatever you want, despite everyone around you proclaiming it a dead end.”
”These days, when the record industry is not what it used to be, when only a small percentage of our potential audience are buying music as a physical product, sitting in their favorite chairs with trembling hands cradling the album cover, we are extremely proud that Nuclear Blast are willing to give us the opportunity to release more records, and to hopefully give even more people a chance to enjoy us.”
”We will take that chance; we will fondle our instruments with slightly drunken Swedish hands, we will spend late evenings discussing why we even became musicians in the first place, we will have heated arguments about why Steve Gadd was once considered the greatest drummer alive, how Tommy Bolin’s Tele neck affected his Strat sound, why Dave Bickler never sounded as good without his beret, and why music isn’t as good as it used to be. We will find the solution to all of this. And we will not disappoint you.”