Venom Inc. pestasi Curran Murphyn kitaristikseen

Kirjoittanut Ingeborg Roos - 31.12.2024

Kitaristi Jeff “Mantas” Dunnin siirryttyä sivuun Venom Inc. -yhtyeen riveistä on yhtye pestannut korvaajaksi Curran Murphyn (ex-Nevermore, ex-Annihilator). Murphyn liittyminen yhtyeeseen tuskin tulee yllätyksenä, sillä hänet nähtiin lavalla Venom Inc.:in kanssa jo toukokuussa. Näin ollen Tony “Demolition Man” Dolan on yhtyeen ainoa alkuperäiseen Venomiin, joskaan ei sen alkuperäiskokoonpanoon, kuulunut jäsen.

Curran Murphy kertoi Laughingmonkeymusicin haastattelussa liittymisestään bändiin:

“Officially, with Mantas saying that he’s taking a step back or stepping out, Tony has offered me the position to play guitar for VENOM INC. And I have gleefully accepted.

“This last year has been awesome, all the shows traveling the world with Tony and Jackson, and playing these shows and working my ass off to play the stuff right, to play it as close to the record or, in some instances, to play it as close as how Mantas would play it live, to pay that respect, and Tony has asked me to join the band. So I’m absolutely overwhelmed and thrilled to announce that I am the lead guitar player for VENOM INC. It’s wonderful.”

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Curran ’Beleth’ Murphy officially joins Venom Inc

Venom Inc is proud to announce that Curran ’Beleth’ Murphy has officially joined the Demolition Man and JXN as the bands new lead guitarist!

Beleth already covered for Jeff ’Mantas’ Dunns after he suffered his second heart attack. December 1st 2024 Mantas announced he was stepping down permanently because of health and personal reasons.

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Fans wil be able to witness Beleths incredibely energetic stage presence during the coming Beyond the Black tour

Venom Inc and Warheads wish Mantas all the best and warmly welcome Beleth!

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