W.A.S.P.:n ex-kitaristi paljastaa miksei Lemmy halunnut tätä yhtyeeseensä

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 7.1.2016

chris holmesW.A.S.P.-yhtyeen entinen kitaristi Chris Holmes kertoi hiljattain Uppsala Nya Tiden -lehden haastattelussa halunneensa 1990-luvulla liittyä Motörheadiin korvaten toisen bändin kitaristeista. Lemmy Kilmister antoi kuitenkin pyrkyrille kylmää kyytiä teilaten idean totaalisesti. Syyksi tähän Lemmy esitti, että hän olisi jäänyt lavalla armotta Holmesin varjoon. Voit lukea Holmesin kertomuksen tästä:

”[Guitarists] Würzel [Michael Burston] and Phil [Campbell] were in Motörhead then, so I went, ’Throw Würzel or Phil out and let me be in your band!’ [Lemmy] looks at me and says, ’Chris, are you serious? I wouldn’t play with you for a second.’ I got so mad and said, ’I’m easy on the road.’ Lemmy looks at me again and says, ’It’s not about what you’re like on the road. It’s about what you’re doing on stage.’ Then I got even madder, and he goes, ’Let’s say, for instance, that I was in the middle of a verse. You would probably be standing right in front of me.’ I thought about it, and he was absolutely right. Especially if he told me not to do that, I’d have to do it just to piss him off. What he meant was, of course, that he didn’t want me overshadowing him. It didn’t bum me out, though. Everybody’s different, and their personality really comes out on stage. The people in the real bands are like that.”
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