W.A.S.P. -yhtyeen entinen kitaristi Chris Holmes on aloittanut hoitojaksot
Yhdysvaltalaisessa heavy metal -legenda W.A.S.P.:ssa vuosien 1982–1990 sekä 1995–2001 välisen ajan vaikuttaneella kitaristilla Chris Holmesilla todettiin hiljattain syöpä kurkussa ja niskassa. Holmesin oli määrä esiintyä soolouransa tiimoilta Monsters Of Rock -risteilyllä mutta risteilyn esiintyminen peruuntui syöpään liittyvien hoitojen seurauksena. Nyt Chris Holmesin puoliso Cathy Sarah Holmes on julkaissut virallisen päivityksen Chrisin terveydentilaan liittyen kertoen syöpähoitojen alkaneen viime viikolla ja välitti kitaristin terveisit kaikille faneille ja ystäville W.A.S.P. pomo Blackie Lawlessia myöten, jotka ovat toivottaneet hänelle pikaista paranemista tai kyselleet vointia. Voit lukea viestin tästä:
“Thank you for all your messages for Chris, he really appreciates them. I apologise for not updating and answering all your worries and concerns but all my energy is for him for the next 6 weeks. Then Ive decided to do an update every Friday and send it to Stephen Jackson , Kev Oakes who will share it on all the pages.
Then Chris started the first chemo (he will have 3 rounds) last Monday. They don’t let me sleep at the hospital then at 8pm I had to leave it was difficult. Chris said to the doctor “Do you know in 10 years it is the first time my wife and I are separated“ but when I arrived the next morning with a big smile he said “I missed you“.
He started also his radiation every day from Monday to Friday.
He has nausea and can’t eat very well because of this, but the first week of radiation was ok. He don’t suffer for now any bad effects. He is getting tired quickly but it is normal apparently.
I was watching him eat yesterday and I told him “I will never imagine I will be so happy to see you eat“ he laughed
He is in good spirit and positive.
He asked the nurse, who is doing his radiation, to take pictures, this is one of them Chris want we share with all of you.
We love you all
Cathy Sarah Holmes”
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