Alice Cooper: ”Chester Bennington ja Chris Cornell olivat viimeisiä keiden olisin uskonut tekevän itsemurhan”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 29.7.2017

Tänään Oulussa loppuunmyydyssä Qstockissa konsertoiva kauhurockin legenda Alice Cooper on ottanut tuoreessa Mistress Carrielle antamassaan haastattelussa Linkin Parkin Chester Benningtonin sekä Soundgardenin Chris Cornellin yllättäviin itsemurhiin. Cooper on haastattelussa todennut olleensa todella yllättynyt sekä Chesterin että Chrisin päätöksistä ja kertonut heidän olleen mielestäniin viimeisiä ihmisiä joiden olisi kuvitellut tekevän vastaavaa. Aiheesta hän kertoi seuraavaa:

”It is really weird what’s going on right now. ”First of all, Chris Cornell was one of the most positive people I’d ever met in my life. He had everything going for him on every level. Same with Bennington; same with Chester. I mean, I knew both of these guys pretty well. And they were not heavy drug guys, they were not wild, crazy, insane Keith Moon types; they were really solid, solid, solid and the last people I would ever guess to commit suicide. So I have no idea what’s going on with all of this.”

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”That would have been true, I think, especially with Jim Morrison [of THE DOORS]. Jim Morrison… When I knew Jim, all he ever wrote about was what was on the other side. Or ’The End’, ’Break On Through [To The Other Side]’… I mean, all these songs had all this death involved in it. But if you look at Chris Cornell, ’Black Hole Sun’ and all this stuff they did, these guys were really positive guys. I know that a lot of the lyrics were dark because of the area the music is in, but knowing these guys, they’re nothing like that.”

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