
Emperorin rumpalilta uusi projekti Trymr: Ensimmäinen kappale ”Trusselen” kuunneltavissa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 10.1.2024

Norjalaisesta black metal -legenda Emperorista tunnettu rumpali Kai Johnny ”Trym” Mosaker on aloittanut uuden ambienttia musiikkia soittavan sooloprojektin nimeltä Trymr. Trym kertoo uudesta projektistaan seuraavaa:

”New year, new opportunities.

”I have been a big movie fan my whole life, and a big fan of movie themes and soundtracks.

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”For the past years, I have been busy with EMPEROR, but I also have been working on my first solo project.

”This will have nothing in common with what I have been doing before, but a complete new chapter in my musical journey.

”My passion for soundtracks and cinematic soundscapes is what my new project will be all about.

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”The name will be TRYMR but spelled in the old norse language (thrymr-lord among the giants)

”The first project will be themes about an old village being threatened by roving warlords.

”The tracks I’m working on right now are: Landsbyen (the Village),Trusselen (the threat),Slaget (the battle),Gravferd (the funeral),Sorgen (the sorrow),Minner (the memories),Vandring (the journey),Håpet (the hope)”

”Please check out my Bandcamp page where I have uploaded the first song: Trusselen (the threat)

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”A scout have found the peaceful village and reports back to his warlord, who summon his troops and prepare them for battle.
They march towards the village in the cover of nightfall, torches raised for war!”

Voit kuunnella ensimmäisen singlen projektilta nimeltä ”Trusselen” tästä: