Exhorder kirjoitti levysopimuksen Nuclear Blastin kanssa sekä vahvisti tiedot uudesta musiikista

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 21.11.2018

Groove metal-yhtye Exhorder palasi yhteen vuosi sitten näihin aikoihin ja puhui mahdollisuudesta uuteen musiikkiin. Eilen aamulla levy-yhtiö Nuclear Blast on julkistanut tiedon bändin uudesta levytyssopimuksesta.

Vokalisti Kyle Thomas kommentoi:

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“The excitement level of Exhorder being in contract negotiations once again is higher for us than we can express. Coming to an agreement with Nuclear Blast has inspired us to bring our writing to new heights. People still want to hear this band, as was evident in the reaction to our performances in 2018. Nuclear Blast strongly wants to help facilitate this venture, and for that we are truly excited and grateful. I am looking forward to seeing what we can make happen together over the next few years. The roster at Nuclear Blast speaks for itself, as well as the presence of Monte Conner and Jaap Wagemaker on the team. Be on the lookout, because Exhorder is heading your way once again! New management, New line up, new label, new record, new Exhorder!”


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