Marilyn Mansonin entinen avustaja Dan Cleary vahvistaa muusikkoon kohdistuvat syytökset: ”Hän muutti Evan Rachel Woodin vuodessa aivan eri ihmiseksi henkisellä väkivallalla”
Julkaisimme sivustollamme eilen uutisen, jossa kerroimme kauhurokkari Marilyn Mansonin entisen tyttöystävän, Evan Rachel Woodin, astuneen julkisuuteen neljän muun naisen kanssa ja syyttäneen kauhurokkaria henkisestä ja fyysisestä väkivallasta suhteen aikana. Mansonin levy-yhtiö Loma Vista Recordings ilmoitti lähes välittömästi lopettavansa yhteistyön muusikon kanssa, mutta Mansonin itsensä julkaiseman tiedotteen mukaan häneen kohdistuvat syytökset ovat suuresti vääristeltyjä eivätkä pidä paikkaansa.
Nyt Marilyn Mansonin avustajana vuosien 2007-2008 välisenä aikana toiminut Dan Cleary vahvistaa Twitterissä Evan Rachel Woodin syytökset oikeiksi, sillä Wood oli Mansonin mukana kiertueella koko tuon ajan, ja Cleary näki sivusta kuinka Manson mursi Woodin henkisellä väkivallalla ja muutti hänet aivan eri ihmiseksi vuoden aikana. Cleary kirjoittaa aiheesta Twitterissä seuraavaa:
”I worked directly with Marilyn Manson in 2007-2008 for his touring band when Evan Rachel Wood was with him. She was on tour with us the entire time. Over the course of one year he turned her into a different person. He broke her. I didn’t totally realize until later in life.”
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy”I then starting working for him as his personal assistant in 2014-2015. I saw first hand, over and over him being an abusive violent boyfriend to his girlfriend Lindsay. Over the almost two year stretch I saw her in tears and him screaming and belittling her more often than I didn’t.”
”He would threaten to kill her, cut her up, bury her, embarrass her to the world. Making her cry and fear him made him feel good. He would remind her that she’d be homeless without him and make fun of her learning disabled family member.”
”Everyone in his immediate circle knows this. But everyone (including myself) is afraid to say anything because of ’the code’. It’s frowned upon to tell people’s private business.”
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy”Those of us that stay quiet do it because we were making a living. And it’s hard to find work in music if you can’t keep your mouth shut. But enough is enough. His fans will be angry and not believe it because they don’t want to. I understand that. I’m sorry to them. But it’s true.”
”I will also say that a reason I stayed quiet is because of a kind thing he did. On tour in 2007, my stepmom died suddenly. The Manson camp flew me home for a week on their dime and paid me anyway. I will still never forget that and it sincerely meant a lot to me.”
”But as I see so many people defending him and calling his accusers liars I’ve just had enough. Believe them, I saw it. I have nothing to gain from this and plenty to lose. There are people in his band/crew that I’m still close to. My apologies to them. But they also know I’m right.”
”He is a brilliant musician, an incredibly smart & funny man. But he’s also a mentally & physically abusive drug addict that has the ability to be super kind & emotional. It’s hard to wrap your head around. I’m not asking for him to be ’canceled’, fuck ALL that cancel stuff.”
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy”My sole focus is for people to not call these women liars. They’re not. Manson gave me a living for a long time, gave me great music as a kid, I appreciate the opportunities. I saw the entire world for the 1st time with him. This was not easy but I had to do it. I stand by it.”
Dan Cleary kertoo tajunneensa Mansonin käytöksen vääryyden vasta vuosien jälkeen, ja sen vuoksi hän kertoi asiasta vasta nyt:
Thread: I worked directly with #MarilynManson in 2007-2008 for his touring band when #EvanRachelWood was with him. She was on tour with us the entire time. Over the course of 1 year he turned her into a different person. He broke her. I didnt totally realize until later in life.
— Dan Cleary🛸 (@DanCleary79) September 13, 2020
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