Mardukkia syytettiin natsibändiksi Oaklandissa: näin yhtyeen kitaristi kommentoi tapahtunutta

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 13.3.2017

Ruotsalaisen black metal -yhtye Mardukin keikka peruuntui hiljattain Oaklandissa paikallisen Anti-Fascist Action Bay Arean väitettyä yhtyeen olevan natsibändi. Mardukin kitaristi Morgan Steinmeyer Håkansson on nyt antanut Metal Wanille haastattelun, jossa on kommentoinut itse keikkojen peruuntumista ensimmäisen kerran. Voit lukea mitä kerrottavaa Morganilla oli aiheeseen liittyen tästä:

”The whole thing about that, I think, was really blown out of proportion. It’s actually a handful of kids who decide they wanna judge what people should listen to or see. It’s the way they work there — not satisfied with anything in their lives, so they demonstrate and cause problems for other people. So I think it was really blown out of proportion. But the police decided to cancel it because of security reasons. Otherwise, the show would have happened, because the promoters wanted to do it, we wanted to do it. So it was just really blown out of proportion and giving air to those kind of people, so it was a bit retarded. But we’ll be back over there. We’re going back already in August/September.”

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”The world is really filled with retards, so shit will always happen. Every circus has its clown, so… whatever. Shit happens. I’m not gonna focus that much about it. We’ll get over it like we have done with a lot of problems in the past. So it’s no big deal.”

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